Online marketing is a never ending platform of opportunities to promote your cash practice.
Unfortunately, it is also a common source of confusion.
This post gives you a synopsis of the 3 categories you will target at promoting your business on the internet.
1. Social Media Marketing
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing
3. Advertising (Online Ads such as Google Ads) Marketing
Social Media
This literal universe of faddish websites allows you to keep up with friends, family and celebrities.
However it is also a great way to create and maintain contact with patients and prospective patients alike.
In short you want to select the top 4 or 5 most popular sites (think Twitter, Facebook, Google +, YouTube and Instagram) and set up your business page.
From there you will simply post and repost high quality content that gives people simple education or points of interest. More selectively and less frequently you can provide insight into you and the staffs’ lives along with an occasion promotional post about your upcoming Call to Action promo, Patient Appreciation Day or other event.
The real trick is to stay actively engaged with those people and you will accomplish top of mind awareness.
Supply valuable and thought provoking content with an occasion self-serving promotion such as an upcoming Patient Appreciation Day.
If you are managing these social media sites yourself you may consider a platform such as Hootsuite ( that will allow you to post from one place and have it populate onto many social media platforms.
SEO Marketing
Search Engine Optimization is really quite simple. You basically create a bunch of original quality content about anything that has to do with you and your practice.
From there you get it into the web and make sure it has a link to your website in the text or the author’s area – or both – and turn it loose and move on to the next content.
You can post articles, press releases, recipes, tips and just about anything else on any site that has traffic. Your goal is for traffic at that site to become traffic (i.e. visitors) to your office website. When it is you not only score points with search engines which moves you up in the search results for chiropractor in your area, but it also gets your phone ringing.
Paid Ad Marketing
Through services such as Google Adwords, you can run paid ads. These were a bit controversial years ago with the argument that people will not click them because they are ads.
I have found this to NOT be the case. It really all depends on if the ad will entice the person to click.
With a membership based cash practice, you want to make sure the unique benefits of your practice shine through on the ad. No appointment needed, Saturday hours, $79 unlimited chiropractic access, etc., make for a great way to grab attention. Along with a first visit discount of course!
My Express Chiropractic office gets 40% of patient visits from Google and a larger percentage are from ad clicks despite my office being on page 1 of Google search results.
It’s worth the money spent.
And the reality is that between Social Media, Paid Ads and SEO, you need to have a good mix of all these working for you at all times.
You AND your staff can and should always be marketing during any down time. I have associate doctors and massage therapists write articles during slow times. They submit them to me, I edit and then post them on article sites such as Ezine Articles.
There is more posting, writing and ad maintenance to do than you could possibly ever catch up on. And that’s not even getting into YouTube and other video submission sites.
And by providing good quality non-sales content and posts with occasional self-serving promotions and benefits of your practice from other typical chiropractic offices, you will have the perfect online recipe for success.
To read a similar article by Dr. Daron Stegall, visit
Online Marketing Overview for the Cash & Membership Chiropractic Office